The maze is pretty easy - go in through the door, take the first left, the first right, then go straight ahead past the plastic statue to the door on your left, and the chest is ahead of you.There's a door into it to the left of some dice. Up here, turn East (left) to see the plastic Minotaur Maze, past some black ants.These picnic tables are able to be put right in the ground, and this makes it very difficult for a storm to blow the table away. Some people see them as being a safer and more permanent option. It'll cause the cooler's handle to fall down against the table, providing a new ramp. There are several reasons that people want to seek out in-ground picnic tables. There's a button you can reach on the cooler, big and red - hit it with a tier 2 or higher busting tool to trigger it. Here there's a stack of books you can run up, leading to a plastic picnic cooler.Run to the end and use the connecting trestle support to cross over to the Northern bench.This gets you to the Southern bench, not on top of the table itself. With the rock destroyed, the shovel will fall back against the picnic table, forming a long ramp you can run up.It'll be standing upright - until you put a Splatburst bomb or other explosive against the rock supporting it. Go to the Leaning Shovel to the East of the Picnic table.